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Certification - ESSENTRICS Instructor

Kay Baucom

I am excited to start my new journey as an Essentrics Instructor. My family is the most important part of my life. I have a great husband, Brad, 4 wonderful children, Michelle, Michael, Brad, Jr and Angela and 6 grandchildren. Retired recently from a job that I held for 34 years. Those years were great and so were the people that I worked for and with. Now I get to follow my passion as an Essentrics Instructor and work part time with my daughter Michelle who is a successful Artist bringing inspiration through words, paint and paper. Our daughter Angela also works with Michelle, and it's great to be with my girls. I enjoy helping Michelle take her business to the next level as her personal assistant.

I have always liked to share fitness and health tips with others. Essentriscs will enable me to teach people on a higher level how to unlock their bodies and strengthen all 620 muscle. My clientele is already sharing testimonies as to how Essentrics is changing bodies and lives. " Awesome" I found this program on PBS, called Classical Stretch. The results that I received were immediate. Over the next few weeks I found that Essentrics was offered too, which is almost the same as Classical Stretch and you could become an Instuctor, long distance. Headquarters for Classical Stretch and Essentrics is in Montreal, Canada. Maranda Esmonde-White is the founder of Classical Stretch and Essentrics. Sarha, her daughter teaches Essentrics. Both excellent Instructors with knowledge of the human body and how it works and should work. Our bodies are meant to move. As we age, starting in our 20's, our cells start to die off, our muscles begin to atrophy, which make us stiff, suffer pain and cause poor posture. Essentrics works gently and safely to reverse the aging process rejuvinating our cells, making your muscles stronger and slender, increasing your flexibility, opening up our posture so our lungs and heart get more oxygen and blood, which in turn give us more energy. When you have more engergy you do more and have endurance to last the whole day. We are born with DNA and gives us a vague expiration date. We are not born with the quality of that life we will have between birth and death. The quality of our life is where the element of choice come in. I've made my choice and I hope you will join me in doing so too. Essentrics is a full body workout done by Olympian Atheletes, Hockey Players, Football players to enhance their endurance. Keep moving on a regualr basis for life.

Fun at Edisto Beach, SC (my favorite vacation spot) showing off my Essentric Wind Mill moves. Guaranteed to slenderize your waistline FAST!

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