It’s been a while since I last wrote. A lot has happened over the past few months. I am grateful and thank God for all the blessings and answers to prayers. A new studio named after me, K. I've always wondered why my parents named me a letter. I'm sure they told me, but I don't remember. So I always think of them when I see the name Studio K. I had a wonderful vacation on Topsail Island (my happy place)with close girlfriends, my sister and niece in April. This week our Great Granddaughter was born, her name is Hazel. My Mother's name. Oh how I love saying that name, plus Hazel is absolutely beautiful. The new studio has been blessed with new clients and everyone still loves the studio and Essentrics.
It’s been 6 months since I started my new business at Studio K. I had been told when I first got certified that many doors would be opened to help others through Essentrics. How true it is. We had our first Role Model Workshop with Darcy Bowman. We sold out. It was absolutely incredible. So incredible we asked her to come back. June 10th @ 9:30. It will be Coregeous Ball Workshop. That's the name of the ball. Love my balls.
I’ve been blessed with an almost new Essentrics Instructor, Wendy Sanders. She filled in for me so much in the past 30 days. I am truly grateful to have her in my life and and now we're Essentric's Sister. Studio K will add a 7am class on Monday's that Wendy will be teaching.
As I reflect back on the past year of my Essentrics career in Studio K I have witnessed many testimonies from clients. Here is a list of improvements my clients have experienced. Improved posture, shoulder mobility, weight loss, body slimming, improved neck and back issues, less aches and pains, overall flexibility, mobility, increased stamina, endurance, strength in their feet, legs arms, abdominals and improved balance. Exactly what Essentrics tells us will happen to your body once you begin this practice.
This is proof that 30+ class members at Studio K practicing Essentrics are living their lives with vitality. I enjoy what I do, helping the community of Denver live a healthier lifestyle. Who doesn’t want to play every day and feel great while doing it.
If you are on the fence about starting an exercise program, try Essentrics. This is a specialty program that works. It’s not just a stretch class, it’s so so so much more. We've got 650 muscles that need to be strong and flexible. Our bodies were built to move.
We look forward to adding more classes as we continue to grow. That’s why Studio K only offers Essentrics classes, because it’s all you need. How can a full body workout such as Esssentrics make you feel absolutely awesome after class. Want to find out! We’ll be there to guide you along the way. But watch out, we are all a happy bunch, ready to welcome you to Essentrics.