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What were you doing a year ago to keep your body and mind healthy? Well I can tell you what I was doing. I turned 70 in April of 2020 and the rug was pulled out from under me to celebrate in a big way. Studio K had to close in March. At first I thought, oh boy, I get a one week vacation, and we all know the outcome of that thought. The studio went from full capacity to empty in one minute, March 17, 2020.

To celebrate my Birthday I decided to go live with my classes on Zoom. It was a struggle to learn how to set up everything, so out of my comfort zone and limited knowledge of this platform and I'm still learning. It was great at first, but I needed human connection. I decided to hold classes outside, at various parks around Denver and also Zoom. It was nice teaching outside, but dealing with the weather and other interferences was a challenge. Some days it was so cold, we wore jackets, gloves and hats to keep warm. Some days we had to compete with lawnmowers all around us just to name a few.

I passed Studio K on the way to the park, headed on my mission to keep us moving and to keep our minds healthy. I felt deflated as I passed my studio on the way to the park. Oh my goodness what is going on, how am I going to continue to pay rent on a place I can't even use. I was scared and concerned. By the time I entered the park, I saw all the smiling faces and the sadness was lifted. I taught in the park for several months.

I decided to set the Studio up so we could get 5 - 10 people in and social distance at least 10 feet apart. I continued to Zoom 3 days a week from the Studio with a small group of people.

This past year has been a challenge with tons of changes. I am sure the whole world feels the same way. I was determined to keep following my passion to help others experience living their life with VITALITY. I was not going to close Studio K and give up.

I could't believe that we were still struggling to keep the studio open when 2021 arrived. Prayer saved Studio K and slowly people started coming back. We also have new people that have joined. Thank you God for taking care of us all.

My passion to help people remain and attain a strong healthy body still continues. I am so grateful for all the ladies that supported me and Studio K for the past 15 months.

I am so proud of each and every one of my clients. They all have a testimony as to how much better they feel in their bodies. Even their Doctors, PT's, Chiropractors & Massage Therapist have noticed the change in their bodies, for the good of course from practicing Essentrics.

Zoom ends on July 1st. I am thankful for this platform, but it's time to say goodbye to Zoom. I know a few will be very sad and I will too, but it's time.

Stay healthy, it's the body that you have.

Age does not have a number, but it does have a signature.......imobility!

Stay strong, it keeps you young.

Live your life with Vitality!

Essentrics is a one of a kind full body workout that will help you achieve all of the above and change your mind about exercise.

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